Friday, July 24, 2009

Activate Abundance

There is a common phrase: "you reap what you sow".

This is the law of harvest, farmers will know this well. If you want an apple tree, you have to plant apple seeds. Don't expect to get an apple tree from planting grape seeds.

Likewise if you want to be prosperous, one way is to sow generosity. When we are generous, our generosity will be returned to us. This is something that the rich know. The rich setup foundations for charity to help those in need. They do donate a hefty sum to these foundations, and they are not poorer. Amazingly, their wealth continues to grow.

On the contrary, when we horde our money, and close the lid of the jar so tightly until no money is able to get in or out. Whatever, is in the jar, that is all we have until we open up the lid to allow money to flow in. For more money to fill up the jar, some money need to go out to make room for more.

Until eventually, your money just fills up the jar until overflow. When money overflows, you will have more than enough to give away, and for yourself.

The seed you sow determines your harvest.

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